
Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 – Take a look at & Assessment

The Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 and everything it stands for is impressive in and of itself and one of the reasons I will continue to be a client. Where else can you find FREE sexual wellness counseling simply by asking? No, you don’t need to make a purchase. This is something Lora DiCarlo offers to anyone who chooses to sign up with their mantra being, “Our mission is to empower individuals to explore their sexuality with positivity and confidence.”

Aside from the support and amazing perks offered by the company, their sexual health toys, and in this case Osé 2, are the most innovative and creative adult products on the planet. Made with only the finest materials to protect your intimate health combined with genius robotics and engineering, Osé 2 has you standing on the verge of a whole new world of self and couple’s pleasure. No other adult product reproduces the feeling of another human’s touch better than Osé 2. Regardless of the cost, you must have one of Lora DiCarlo’s incredible products. It’s worth saving for, charging it so you can make payments or choosing Klarna or PayPal Pay for options to pay for your Osé 2 over time. Ladies and gentlemen, it is worth it.

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About The Lora DiCarlo Osé 2

Remember those ultra-luxurious sex toys I’ve told you about that cost a pretty penny but are well worth the investment? You are about to read, be delighted, blown away, and intrigued by the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2. From their “Human Touch” collection of award-winning sex toys – created from design to finish by female, non-binary, and a few male engineers – Osé 2 is the only toy that mimics human cunnilingus and the “come hither” g-spot motion combined. It’s a sex toy you must experience to believe.

The vibrations of the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 are noisy, very powerful, and somewhat rumbly


  • ✅Made from medical-grade silicone
  • ✅Robotic finger in the shaft strokes the g-spot
  • ✅Air flow technology meets low, rumbling thumping for clitoral sucking and stimulation
  • ✅3 stroke length settings
  • ✅10 intensity settings of air flow and thrumming
  • ✅ Waterproof


  • ❌Takes a bit of time to fit Osé 2 to your body
  • ❌A bit heavy BUT if fitted properly, will stay put, hands-free
  • ❌The cost may scare a lot of folks away

My Experience With Lora DiCarlo Osé 2


I was delighted to have been gifted the Baci and Osé 2 by Lora DiCarlo; both so I could review them, to see if they could help with my physical disabilities and struggles and also to thank me for 30 years working in the industry and bringing sex toys out of the shadows and into the mainstream (I am forever flattered and grateful!). So, when the 6 lb. goody box arrived, I had no idea what surprises lurked inside. I carefully peeled back the tape and peeked inside…. And there they were, Baci and Osé 2 and for a short moment I swore I heard angels singing.

The Test

Having already tested and reviewed Baci, now it was time to bring out the big toy…. The all-in-one mini-robotic wonder I had previously only drooled about while looking at various products on the Lora DiCarlo website. The Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 comes in a large, heavy-weight box with an outer sleeve that displays the toy and 4 of the many awards the product had won as well as Osé 2’s features. I slid off the sleeve, then, I pulled the cloth tab, opened the magnetic lid and unfolded the box. Even the unboxing produced a golden light and angels singing. I took Osé 2 out of the box and was shocked at how heavy it was. Then I turned it on and was floored by everything it could do.

The Ose’ 2 Prep

The Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 comes with an instruction manual, as most other sex toys do. However, this was more than information on which buttons to push or how to charge it. The instructions directed me, step-by-step, on how to custom-fit Ose’ 2 to my body. Yes, Osé 2 bends and twists to fit your body! And if the grip is just right, Ose’ 2 becomes a hands-free love machine! And oh, how I love to have my hands free for nipple stimulation.

Next, I grabbed Ose’ 2 along with my favorite water-based lubricant and the instruction manual then headed for the security of my bathroom. I laid a towel on the floor and went about following the instructions to assist Osé 2 in finding my g-spot. It was a wee bit awkward at first; not far enough in, ouch, too far in and I couldn’t feel that telltale tingle of my g-spot being stroked. Finally, I had the g-spot shaft where it needed to be. On to step 2! I adjusted Osé 2’s head in order to position the mouth over my clitoris. Unfortunately, that took a bit more time as I have never been able to use any C-shaped clitoral suckers with g-spot vibrations. I was about to give up when the mouth sealed around my clitoris perfectly. I reached down and activated the g-spot stroker and was about to savor the best solo climax of my life!

The Orgasm

I leaned back and closed my eyes and concentrated on how it felt…. Suddenly, it felt as if I were with my partner and he was working his incredible oral and finger magic. With my g-spot being stroked by Osé 2’s Robotic finger and the amazing suction and thrumming that encompassed my clitoris, things heated up pretty quickly. But I just soaked in the pleasure waves that enveloped me from head to toe until I got froggy. “Let’s see what you’ve got Osé 2.”

I pushed the g-spot stimulator button to increase the stroke speed then did the same with the clitoral suction – but I turned that right back down or else it would have been over in mere seconds – I wanted to get the full-on experience. So, I savored it. I enjoyed the blending of the clitoral thrumming with the massaging finger. And just when I thought I could lay back and linger in tingly bliss, a familiar sensation crept over me…. and at the same moment, my clitoris responded too. I honestly couldn’t tell you how long that beautiful, blended orgasm lasted. But I do know this; holy cow, OMG, I do believe I saw Jesus.

One last question; can I marry my Osé 2?



The Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 resembles some of the clitoral sucking/g-spot stimulating sex toys. But, as they say, never judge a sex toy by its box. First, Osé 2 is created to bend and twist. You see, the fine folks at Lora DiCarlo understand that not all bodies are the same (bravo!) therefore, Osé 2 can be adjusted for your unique body. Secondly, the g-spot stimulator isn’t just a vibrating shaft, oh no. The shaft has a robotic finger that moves back and forth on the shaft to give you the sensation of a human stroking your yearning, excited g-spot. And finally, the suction portion of Osé 2 has a large mouth to encompass the entire clitoris and surrounding, nerve-rich tissues. Plus, down inside the mouth lies and little, firm, silicone nub that rumbles and thumps against your clitoris. The design is one-of-a-kind and the experience is other-worldly. Yes. It was that good.

Ease of Use


Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 requires a bit of trial and error on your part in order to position the robotic stroker against your g-spot correctly. Once you do that, then you line the mouth up with your clitoris then bend Osé 2 to your unique body shape – this allows for dual pleasure inside and out. Once that’s accomplished, everything else is cake. Simply hold in the round, lighted button which shows you how much power Osé 2 has left. Then, you’ll see 2 oblong buttons; one operates the suction and thrumming and the other operates the robotic stroker. There is 1 other, small, round button that allows you to adjust the length of the g-spot stroke. The head is wide and the buttons are easy to feel, see and operate.



Osé 2, like all of the Lora DiCarlo line of adult products, is created with smooth, medical-grade silicone. The same silicone used in medical products and devices. Osé 2’s entire body, except for the buttons and charging buttons, is crafted with silicone. So, no matter where you hold it, you are treated to silky-softness. In addition, the engineering that went into this toy is beyond anything you’ve ever seen in an adult plaything. The motors run smoothly and when in use (inside and against your body) the Osé 2 is relatively quiet. For instance, as I tested Osé 2, my 23-year-old daughter and her boyfriend were sitting against a shared wall and they didn’t hear a thing.



Before you click on the product and get the vapors over the price of the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2, you must remember a few things. First, Osé 2 is an engineering masterpiece, using micro-robotics in order to mimic the human touch. It doesn’t vibrate or thrust; it literally strokes your g-spot. Secondly, Osé 2 is protected by patents, so you won’t run across a sex toy that is similar for a lower price. And finally, the combination of air pulse technology with the thrumming nub inside the mouth creates a sensation like no other sex toy around, except for the Baci. For blended orgasms so ultimately fulfilling and the sensations of being with a human partner catapults Osé 2 far above the rest. I have always said it’s good to invest in your sexual health and happiness; now is your chance!



How I wish every partner performed as consistently as the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2. With Osé 2, I never had to say, “Right there, that’s it, you missed it. Back to the left. Yes. Down a bit….. you missed it agai…..no, THERE! Right there!” Osé 2 knows what you want and helps you reach your most sensitive and orgasmic areas with robotic perfection. During my “fitting” and my romantic, sexy time with Osé 2, the battery indicator light showed zero battery drain at all – meaning, the toy kept a full charge the entire time. In addition, the toy didn’t get overheated nor did the motors ever lag with pressure. Built like a fine sports car, Osé 2 is sheer perfection in performance.



Receiving a Lora DiCarlo product is like accepting a treasure box. Created specifically for Osé 2, the box was extremely thick cardboard and sealed with 2 magnets. Simply pull the cloth tab to lift the flap and the box unfolds to reveal perfectly sculpted areas to hold the toy as well as a box that held the magnetic, USB charging cord, a beautiful storage bag made from recycled ocean plastic, the instruction booklet and a card explaining your warranty. As long as you remove the outer sleeve, the beautiful yellow and white box is sleek, sophisticated and can be displayed on a bookshelf.

Materials and care


Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 is made from medical grade silicone and you can really feel the difference! The material is incredibly silky and even stays that way with lubricant. The buttons and magnetic charging dots are the only exterior components that are not made of silicone. To care for Osé 2, always use a water-based lubricant to protect the integrity of the silicone. Seriously, the last thing you want it to get the plaything of your dreams only to ruin it due to using oil or silicone-based lubricants. After Osé 2 completely ravishes your body, wash it with warm water and a gentle soap. You can also use a toy cleanser made for silicone toys. Lora DiCarlo has a lovely, tea tree cleansing foam that’s easy to use and is formulated to care for your silicone toys. After cleaning, pat your toy dry and store it in the gorgeous box or the stunning, Lora DiCarlo, drawstring bag.

Special feature


The Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 has a staggering and impressive 13 patents or pending patents and has won several awards for its technology including the 2019 CES Innovation Award, the Popular Mechanics Editor’s Choice Award and the Time Best Inventions 2019, among others. That is because of the innovative robotics that make Osé 2 the closest thing to having a human partner pleasuring you orally while stimulating your g-spot.

Additionally, you cannot disregard the lighted, circular button on top of Osé 2 that displays how much battery power you have left. As you consume the battery’s charge, the lighted circle starts to disappear; 1/4 gone, 2/3 gone, 3/4 gone…. better charge it up! Absolutely one of the simplest, yet genius features I’ve ever seen on a sex toy.

Combine it all together and you’ve got a luxury, robotic plaything, created by female and non-binary engineers (and a few men) whom are bringing vagina-used, sexual health aids into the mainstream. Even the Lora DiCarlo website features photos of real women with tattoos, stretch marks, silver hair, wrinkles, unshaved legs and underarms as well as people of color and those who don’t conform to any sexual “rules”, they are who they are and love whom they want.

And I don’t know about you, but Lora DiCarlo is the type of company I want to support in any way I can! Here at BedBible, we too believe in the beauty of all people and all identities and fully support the LGBTQ+ community.

Specifications and features

Vibration modes 3 stroke lengths (g-spot) and 10 intensity levels (clitoral)
Insertable length 4.6 inches
Diameter (mouth) 0.6 x 0.8 inches
Waterproof Yes
Battery Life 60 minutes
Materials ABS plastic
Rechargeable Yes
Travel Lock Yes

Comparing Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 with alternatives

Lora DiCarlo Osé 2
Lovense Domi 2
Lovense Vulse
Lelo Ina 3
Tenga Iroha Yuki
Le Wand Petite
Overall score NaN / 5.0 4.3 / 5.0 3.3 / 5.0 4.0 / 5.0 3.8 / 5.0 4.3 / 5.0
Bedbible rating 5.0 / 5.0 4.0 / 5.0 3.0 / 5.0 4.0 / 5.0 2.5 / 5.0 4.0 / 5.0
User rating NaN / 5.0
from 0 users
4.7 / 5.0
from 69 users
3.5 / 5.0
from 8 users
4.1 / 5.0
from 70 users
5 / 5.0
from 2 users
4.6 / 5.0
from 32 users
Price High Medium Medium Medium High Medium
Design 100 / 100 70 / 100 60 / 100 75 / 100 90 / 100 100 / 100
Ease of use 89 / 100 65 / 100 60 / 100 80 / 100 50 / 100 100 / 100
Quality 100 / 100 78 / 100 60 / 100 95 / 100 50 / 100 90 / 100
Sound 80 / 100 100 / 100 40 / 100 20 / 100 20 / 100 80 / 100
Power 80 / 100 100 / 100 40 / 100 80 / 100 60 / 100 80 / 100
Buzzy/Rumbly somewhat rumbly very rumbly somewhat buzzy somewhat rumbly neither really buzzy nor rumbly somewhat rumbly
Vibration modes 3 stroke lengths (g-spot) and 10 intensity levels (clitoral) 10 4
Insertable length 4.6 inches 1.46 inches 4.3 inches
Diameter (mouth) 0.6 x 0.8 inches 1.74 inches 1.42 inches 1.4 inches 2,1 & 1,5 inches
Waterproof Yes Splashproof Yes Yes Yes (sensitive to hot water) Splashproof
Battery Life 60 minutes 300-360 minutes 1.08 minutes Up to 120 minutes 90 minutes 60 minutes
Materials ABS plastic Medical Grade Silicone and ABS Plastic Silicone Silicone, ABS Plastic Silicone Silicone, ABS Plastic
Rechargeable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Travel Lock Yes No Yes Yes
Vibration speeds 3 Preset 3 (+ more in-app) 10
Vibration patterns 4 Preset 3 (+ more in-app) 6
Length 9.21 inches 4.74 inches 7.9 inches 3,25 inches 10 inches
Remote Controls App Yes No
Charging Time 150 minutes 57-61 minutes 120 minutes 120 minutes 120 minutes
Weight 0.6 lbs 0.47 lbs
Storage Bag Included Yes! Yes Yes No, but a box Yes
Colors Available Pink Coral Red, Pastel Green, Pastel Blue Rose Gold, Navy, Blue, Dark Cherry, Violet
Width 1.85 inches
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How to use Lora DiCarlo Osé 2

No one really says it better than the manufacturer themselves. I can only recommend you read this guide on how to use this amazing product: https://loradicarlo.com/guide/ose2/


Will Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 fit my body?

Answers to questions you think are relevant. You can use answers from the previous sections. But try and find questions people might be asking about the products and answer them in a good way.
What does the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 feel like?

The Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 is designed to simulate the human touch. The stroking action in the g-spot arm mimics the come here motion of a finger stroking your g-spot. The clitoral stimulator pulses and thrums to create a feeling similar to oral sex.
How to use the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2

You can use the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 in different ways depending on your preferences. Part of the fun is experimenting! Here’s how to position the g-spot stimulator and clitoral suction stimulator for dual stimulation.1) Using water-based lubrication, insert the g-spot arm and adjust it until it is resting against your g-spot. Check out this g-spot guide for more info on how to locate and stimulate your g-spot.
2) Bend the midsection until you can place the clitoral stimulator over your clitoris (or wherever feels good).
3) Experiment with the different settings to figure out what feels best for you!
How to clean the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2

As the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 is waterproof, it can be cleaned with fragrance-free soap and water or a silicone-compatible sex toy cleaner.
What lubrication can I use with the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2?

To make sure you don’t damage the silicone, you should only use water-based lubes with the Lora DiCarlo Osé 2.

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